1,189 Graduate as SAF Specialists

1,189 Graduate as SAF Specialists

A total of 1,189 cadets comprising 1,013 from the Singapore Army, 84 from the Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN), 46 from the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF), and 46 from Joint graduated as Specialists of the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) today. The cadets received their bayonets at decentralised indoor parades organised by their respective vocational Training Institutes, in recognition of this significant milestone in the cadets' journey as new commanders in the SAF.

Addressing the graduands in a recorded video message as the Reviewing Officer for the proceedings, Senior Minister of State for Communications & Information and Health Dr Janil Puthucheary said that the SAF has played its part in giving strength to our nation throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, having deployed servicemen and women for various operations including contact tracing, mask distribution and medical services. He said, "In the face of this new context, together with an expanding range of security challenges, the SAF must continue to be strong and adaptable, to defend our sovereignty and security. I have every confidence that the SAF will be vigilant and ready against all manner of threats, even as it continues to be a part of our nation's fight against the pandemic."

Dr Janil also congratulated the graduands on completing their training to join the Specialist Corps, and urged them to lead the men and women under their charge well. "Lead your people by example, and stay true to your values as you walk this journey with them. We trust that you will build strong and cohesive units, capable of defending Singapore and our way of life," said Dr Janil.

The graduands from the Singapore Army, the RSN, the RSAF and Joint had completed the 22-week Specialist Cadet Course, where they trained under rigorous and realistic conditions to develop leadership and combat skills, and to deepen their respective vocational expertise.

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