Procedures and Outcomes


Programme component Description
Basic medical screening This comprises a resting electrocardiogram (ECG or heart rhythm test), urine screen and blood tests (for sugar and cholesterol). 
Medical examination You will need to complete an online questionnaire on your medical history prior to your medical appointment. This is followed by a review and examination by the Medical Officer (MO) on the day of your appointment.
Stress electrocardiogram (ECG) A stress ECG is a special investigation to check for heart problems such as coronary artery disease, where the blood vessels supplying the heart are narrowed resulting in an increased risk of heart attack. During the stress ECG, you will be asked to run on a treadmill while an ECG tracing of your heart activity is closely monitored.

You may be referred to a public hospital for this test if deemed appropriate by the MO.
Other investigations Based on the findings during the medical examination and the stress ECG, the doctor may refer you for more specialised investigations at a public hospital.



Outcome Status
Low cardiac risk – no significant medical problems were detected during your SAF HSP You are eligible to participate in activities and physical fitness training as appropriate for your Physical Employment Status (PES)
Moderate cardiac risk (only for personnel aged 40 years and above) – you have a higher than average risk of developing heart problems You are not fit for IPPT
High cardiac risk – significant heart problems have been detected You are not fit for strenuous physical activity such as IPPT

If you are graded as Moderate or High Cardiac Risk, you:

  • Will be given the appropriate excuses from IPPT or exempted from IPPT
  • May be referred to a heart specialist for further assessment
  • May have your PES reviewed if necessary