Remarks by Senior Minister of State for Defence Mr Zaqy Mohamad during his Visit to Amman, Jordan

Remarks by Senior Minister of State for Defence Mr Zaqy Mohamad during his Visit to Amman, Jordan

The SAF continues to support Singapore's humanitarian aid efforts into Gaza. We certainly hope that this gesture of compassion, especially during the month of Ramadan, will bring not just relief but also hope to the people in Gaza that are affected by the conflict. Minister has also spoken quite a lot in terms of what is being done on the diplomatic front. The SAF will continue to bring in supplies following the earlier tranche of aid from the MRTT and the C-130. We hope that this operation will start soon with the help of the Jordanian Armed Forces. We would also like to thank all who have been involved in this operation, especially our relief partners, Relief SG, Ministry of Health for the medical supplies, as well as other NGOs who have helped us such as Mercy Relief, PPIS, and Charis. This is a whole of government effort, but there is also a lot of ground-up support from Singaporeans to help those affected in Gaza. While we hope for a certain resolution soon, this is one way in which Singaporeans have stepped forward and made it count. I would also like to thank the SAF personnel, servicemen and women who have stepped up because one thing that is certain is that this is different from normal operations as they are now operating in the conflict zone. We hope that they always remain vigilant so they can come home safely to their families and loved ones.

Straits Times: SMS, can you share more details of the deployment of C-130 here in Jordan as well as in Gaza? How long will it stay here and where is it?

SMS: We are working with the Jordanian Armed Forces, and we need to coordinate all the efforts, not just for Singapore but also with the various armed forces that are also here. As you can see, Germans and the Netherlands, and others are also here to give support. The schedules will be determined as we coordinate with our counterparts, but we are not at liberty to reveal the schedules due to operational security so I will just leave it as that for now. Rest assured, all the aid will be coming through and delivered directly into Gaza through the airdrop. We are also expecting another tranche of aid to come sometime in the next few days. We are hoping that more organisations will come on-board and welcome any Singaporeans who would like to support this. Do come to us and Relief SG to deliver this aid to Gaza.

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