Extension of NS Deferment for Joseph Schooling and Quah Zheng Wen

Extension of NS Deferment for Joseph Schooling and Quah Zheng Wen

The Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) will grant extensions of deferment from full-time National Service (NS) to Mr Joseph Schooling and Mr Quah Zheng Wen to train and compete in the Olympic Games. The Armed Forces Council (AFC) has approved Mr Schooling's and Mr Quah's applications for the extensions in deferment. Their applications were supported by the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY).

The deferments are for Mr Schooling and Mr Quah to train for and compete in the Olympic Games that have been postponed to 2021. Both have qualified for the coming Olympic Games – Mr Schooling for the 100-metre butterfly event, and Mr Quah for the 100-metre butterfly and backstroke events. Should the Olympic Games be cancelled, they will be scheduled for enlistment.

Deferment may be granted to exceptional sportsmen who are assessed to be potential medal winners for Singapore at top-tier international competitions like the Olympic Games. Applicants will have to show why deferment is necessary for them to compete successfully at these competitions and bring national pride to Singapore. Each case is assessed in consultation with MCCY.

Mr Schooling and Mr Quah have met the criteria for deferment to be extended. They have also committed to be fully focused in their preparations for the Olympic Games, in order to reach their peak form and will not undertake any additional activities such as commercial sponsorships.

MINDEF extends its best wishes to Mr Schooling and Mr Quah as they pursue national pride for Singapore in the Olympic Games in 2021.

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