Reply to TNP Media Query on a Conjunctivitis Outbreak at Stagmont Camp

Reply to TNP Media Query on a Conjunctivitis Outbreak at Stagmont Camp

There is a mild outbreak of conjunctivitis cases at Stagmont Camp, with nine servicemen affected over the past week. To contain the outbreak, affected servicemen were all promptly attended to by the medical officer and sent home on medical leave; eight servicemen have since recovered and returned to camp with the remaining serviceman on medical leave till 14 March 2019.

The SAF has well-established control measures in place to minimise the spread of conjunctivitis. These include enforcement of personal hygiene, cleaning of accommodation and common areas with disinfectant, and minimising contact with the affected servicemen. The SAF's operations have not been affected by the conjunctivitis cases.

The SAF will continue to monitor the situation and take necessary measures to ensure the well-being and health of our servicemen.

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