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SAF Care Fund 7th Annual General Meeting

1. The SAF Care Fund will be calling the 7th Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 15th September 2020 (Tue) at 9.30 am and all members are cordially invited. This AGM will be convened via video conferencing using CISCO Webex as allowed for under COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) (Alternative Arrangements for Meetings for Companies, Variable Capital Companies, Business Trusts, Unit Trusts and Debenture Holders) Order 2020.

2. The following related documents are available for downloading for purpose of the AGM:

a.  Notice of 7th AGM;

b.  Proxy Form (to be completed by all members, except Chairman);

c.  Minutes of 6th AGM held on 10 Sep 2019;

d.  Audited Financial Statement for year ended 31 Mar 2020;

e.  Annual Report for year ended 31 Mar 2020;

f.   AGM Presentation Slides;

3. Please note the following for this AGM convened under the COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) Order 2020:


a.  Due to the current COVID-19 situation in Singapore, a member will not be allowed to attend the AGM in person. A member must appoint the Chairman of the Meeting as his proxy to attend, speak and vote on his behalf at the AGM if such member wishes to exercise his voting rights at the AGM. Please complete the proxy form and email to the SAF Care Fund Secretariat.

b.  If a member intends to raise a matter, he should provide details in the proxy form for the Chairman of the Meeting to speak on his behalf. The member may speak on the matter raised only when invited by the Chairman of the Meeting.

c.  Members may respond as Proposers and Seconders for the resolutions in the agenda. Please identify yourself when doing so.

d.  Please access the SAF Care Fund 7th AGM meeting link with an electronic device with a working camera to facilitate taking of attendance as well as to identify the member at the AGM. To keep noise distractions at a minimum, please mute your mics upon entry and unmute only when speaking.

e.  The meeting will be opened 30 minutes before the scheduled time.

4. Please email all completed proxy forms to SAF_Care_Fund@defence.gov.sg before 12th September 2020 (Saturday).

5. Please direct all queries to the SAF Care Fund Secretariat. Thank you.