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Organisation Structure
Organisation Structure
  1. Chief of Army

      1. General Staff (Operations)

      2. General Staff (Development)

      3. Army Safety Inspectorate

      4. NS Affairs Department

      1. HQ Island Defence Task Force

      2. HQ Joint Task Force

      3. Special Operations Task Force

      1. 21 Div (AOR)

      2. 25 Div (AOR)

    1. TRADOC

    2. CSSCOM

Chief of Army Office
Chief of Army
MG David Neo
Chief of Staff - General Staff
BG Tan Cheng Kwee
Sergeant Major of the Army
CWO Sanjee Singh
General Staff
  • ACGS (Personnel)
    COL Chan Qing Wei Alvin 
  • ACGS (Intelligence)
    COL Devieash James S/O Harshad Rai Pandya
  • ACGS (Operations)
    BG Adrian Teng
  • ACGS (Plans)
    COL Kwek Kian Leong
  • ACGS (Training)
    COL Fairoz Bin Hassan
  • Head NS Affairs Department
    COL Dean Yik
  • Head Army Safety Inspectorate
    COL Mohamed Feroz
  • Chief Systems Integration Officer
    COL Ong Cher Howe
  • Head Army Information Centre
    COL Gn Jong Bin, Kenneth
Army Formations
  • Commander, Training and Doctrine Command
    BG Andrew Lim
  • Commander, Combat Service Support Command
    ME7 Tan Mu Yen
  • Commander, 2nd People's Defence Force
  • Commander, 3rd Division
    BG Cai Dexian
  • Commander, 6th Division / Headquarters Sense and Strike
    BG Anand Sathi Kumar
  • Commander, 9th Division / Chief Infantry Officer
    BG Wong Shi Ming
  • Chief Guards Officer / Commander, 21st Division
    BG Low Wilson
  • Chief Armour Officer / Commander, 25th Division
    COL Lim Han Yong
  • Chief Army Intelligence Officer
    COL Alroy Chua
  • Chief Artillery Officer
  • Chief Commando Officer
    COL Pang Chee Kong
  • Chief Engineer Officer
    COL Ho Sze-Tek Terence
  • Chief Maintenance & Engineering Officer
    ME7 Benny Yong
  • Chief Army Medical Officer
    COL (DR) Tan Nan Guang
  • Commander, Personnel Command
    COL Alvin Tjioe
  • Commander, SAF Ammunition Command
    ME7 Jason Chia
  • Commander, SAF Military Police Command
    COL Liew Kok Keong
  • Commander, SAF Volunteer Corps
    COL Soliano Paulinhno Enrique Tan
  • Chief Signal Officer
    COL Sim Ken-Yi Gerald
  • Chief Supply Officer
  • Chief Transport Officer
    COL Loi Heng Yang