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1966 - 1989
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May 1966
LTA (later CPT) S.T. Moorthy started the Medical Orderlies Training School at Beach Road Camp.

LTA (later CPT) S.T. Moorthy was transferred to SAFTI (SAF Training Institute) to lay groundwork for SMM (School of Military Medicine).

15 Feb 1968
SMM was established in a 2-storey building at the Support Wing of SAFTI, Pasir Lebar Camp. CPT (later LTC) Dr Roy Paul was the first CO of SMM. The first batch of Combat Medical Orderly Instructors was trained.

22 Apr 1968
SMM was officially opened by Mr Chua Sian Chin (Minister for Health).

SMM moved to new premises within SAFTI. The place later became ‘D’ Coy of SAFINCOS (SAF Infantry NCO School).

SMM moved again to newer premises within SAFTI. The place later became ‘T’ Coy of OCS (Officer Cadet School). By this time, SMM had its own general, medical, BCS (Battalion Casualty Station) stores, 9 training sheds and a set of lecture rooms.

Training and administration facilities at SMM became computerized. The CPR (Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation) Unit was established at SMM. The CPR Unit is accredited by NRC (National Resuscitation Council).

The CAI (Computer-Aided Instruction) Centre was established at SMM. TMC (Trauma Management Course) started in SMM.

POCM (Problem-Oriented Casualty Management) training introduced in SMM. AMOC (Advanced Medical Officer Course) started.

Last updated on 01 Nov 2010
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